This December marks a very special occasion for Cyber Valley: Five years ago, on December 15, 2016, Baden-Württemberg’s Minister-President Winfried Kretschmann, Theresia Bauer, Minister of Science, and Martin Stratmann, President of the Max Planck Society, launched Cyber Valley together with the research consortium’s partners. On these pages, we celebrate Cyber Valley’s fifth anniversary with special feature content on our story so far – and we also look ahead towards what comes next.

Direktdurchwahl: New podcast episode online
Interviews with Maria Wirzberger, Matthias Hein and Auguste Schulz

Young talent for artificial intelligence
Matthias Hein cultivates the region with excellent teaching

A space for AI in the middle of the city
University of Tübingen sets up AI makerspace for young people

Cyber Valley again at the top of the list at NeurIPS
50 Cyber Valley papers selected for leading AI conference

AI GameDev award show live on YouTube
Watch the live stream with all nominees on December 2, 2021
