13. Oktober 2022
| Stuttgart
IntCDC Conference 2022
Integratives computergestütztes Entwerfen und Konstruieren für eine zukunftssichere Architektur
Die Beschreibung der Konferenz erfolgt auf Englisch.
The conference of the Cluster of Excellence IntCDC presents cutting-edge research on rethinking design and construction towards a truly future-proof built environment based on an interdisciplinary approach including architecture, civil engineering, manufacturing and system engineering, computer science and robotics, as well as social sciences and the humanities.

We will discuss current challenges and novel research approaches focusing on computational co-design, digital fabrication and cyber-physical construction, with an emphasis on sustainability and responsibility in advancing architecture, engineering and construction.
Join us on Thursday, October 13, 2022, for multifaceted insights and lively discussions.
The conference is presented as part of the Stuttgart Week of Advancing AEC.
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
University of Stuttgart
University of Stuttgart