Almost 70 AI spin-offs: Cyber Valley's Start-up Network continues to grow
Millions invested into AI start-ups

Science Minister Petra Olschowski: “Start-ups are innovation drivers. They bring AI applications into society – from healthcare to mobility and agriculture.”
Cyber Valley is entering a new phase: the opening of the ELLIS Institute and Start-up Network Expo at Cyber Valley Days from June 19–21.
Stuttgart, 14. Juni 2024 – A unique community for start-ups in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged around the Cyber Valley. The Cyber Valley Start-up Network supports founders in the state to transfer AI research into applications. The model is extremely successful: many of its 67 start-ups to date have raised millions from international investors. At Cyber Valley Days, which is taking placefrom June 19 to 21, start-ups from the network will introduce themselves and present current AI trends. June 21 marks the beginning of a new phase of the Cyber Valley. During a ceremonial event, the first ELLIS Institute in Europe will be opened by Minister President Winfried Kretschmann and Science Minister Petra Olschowski.
“Start-ups are generators and drivers of innovation. They bring AI applications into society – from healthcare to mobility and agriculture,” said Science Minister Petra Olschowski on June 14 in Stuttgart. “Our Cyber Valley innovation campus offers founders optimal conditions: every month, three to five new start-ups join the network – including start-ups by AI researchers, but also existing new companies. With their innovative strength, these entrepreneurs are further strengthening Baden-Württemberg as a center of research and business. As the Ministry of Science, we helped to initiate the founding of Cyber Valley; and we will continue to support our AI innovation campus to the best of our ability in the future.”
Baden-Württemberg as the location for AI start-ups
“Artificial intelligence is complex and extremely fast-paced in its application. Those who want to start a business can develop their ideas wherever they find the best conditions – including an international and thematically diverse environment, access to computing power, and start-up capital. In other words, where the future is already being created, such as at the excellent science locations in Baden-Württemberg,” said Rebecca C. Reisch, Managing Director of Cyber Valley GmbH.
As a supplement to the Cyber Valley Start-up Network, the AI Incubator supports those interested in setting up a business in the Cyber Valley innovation campus environment. Over the course of eight weeks, participants learn how to expand their business models and successfully launch them on the market supported by experienced entrepreneurs and start-up coaches. The fourth cohort of 25 founders is currently going through the program. The AI Incubator is funded by the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung.
“AI will rapidly change the way we work, communicate, learn, or play – and Germany must be at the forefront of this change to maintain our quality of life. This change will be driven by innovative start-ups. Cyber Valley's mission is to create the basis for scientific breakthroughs and to support start-ups that will lead the AI future,” says Michael Black, spokesperson for Cyber Valley and Director at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen.
Millions invested in AI start-ups: three examples
Cyber Valley's AI start-ups are successful with investors:
- In 2023, NEURA Robotics, a supplier of innovative cognitive robots, raised €65 million in two financing rounds.
- The Esslingen-based start-up MARKT-PILOT developed a solution for dynamic and market-oriented spare parts pricing. To mark its fourth anniversary, the company announced one of the largest Series A financing rounds with 40 million euros.
- Octomind, an AI-based end-to-end testing platform for development teams, recently received €4.8 million in seed capital.
Cyber Valley Days 2024: June 19 to 21
The network's almost 70 start-ups are active in a wide range of industries – including the healthcare sector, construction industry, in the field of mobility, and agriculture. This diversity will be highlighted at the Cyber Valley Days, a three-day event from June 19 to 21. The program focuses on entrepreneurship and scientific innovation in artificial intelligence and modern robotics. On Wednesday, June 19, start-ups and other members of the Cyber Valley Community will present in Stuttgart. Afterwards, the teams of the AI Incubator will pitch their AI business ideas to potential investors.
At the final on June 21, the new ELLIS Institute Tübingen of the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS) will be opened in the presence of Minister President Winfried Kretschmann and Science Minister Petra Olschowski. This first ELLIS institute in Europe will further strengthen the Cyber Valley innovation campus as an internationally visible beacon for research into artificial intelligence. The world's most talented AI researchers will be able to advance their ideas and developments in an optimal environment. The opening of the ELLIS Institute also marks the beginning of the next phase of the Cyber Valley Innovation Campus.
Cyber Valley is the country's first innovation campus, located in the Stuttgart/Tübingen region. Cyber Valley was launched in 2016 as a joint initiative of the state, science, and industry. Its aim is to put Baden-Württemberg at the forefront of AI. The innovation campus combines excellent basic research and practical application. The scientific backbone is formed by three academic founding partners: the Universities of Stuttgart and Tübingen and the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems. There are also other established partners from business and research.
Information about Cyber Valley Days:
for the Start-up Expo on Wednesday, June 19, at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart:
Registration for media representatives for the ceremony and opening of ELLIS on Friday, June 21, via
Rebecca Beiter, Director Communications & Society Cyber Valley GmbH
0160/9448 1797
Further information
About Cyber Valley
Cyber Valley is Europe’s largest and leading center for excellence in artificial intelligence and modern robotics. Its mission and public mandate are to advocate for research, development, application, and acceptance of technologies and methods in the field of intelligent systems. Cyber Valley encourages entrepreneurship by uniting scientific excellence with innovation and technology transfer. In addition, Cyber Valley facilitates critical reflection on the ethical and social implications of AI through public engagement. Cyber Valley envisions a future in which the full potential of intelligent systems is leveraged for the greater good of the world.
About the Cyber Valley Start-up Network
The Cyber Valley Start-up Network builds and promotes a vibrant community of AI entrepreneurs. Members get access to exclusive events and a diverse network of AI researchers, investors, and other start-up founders. The prerequisite for membership is a connection to Cyber Valley, such as being members or alumni of the Cyber Valley Community, or a location in Baden-Württemberg. The business models must have intelligent systems at their core.
Further information:
Director of the Perceiving Systems Department at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
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