Female Leadership in Cyber Valley - Frauenwirtschaftstage 2020

- Opening remarks
- Introduction to Cyber Valley project
- Panel discussion with female leaders from Cyber Valley
- Q&A
- Networking in break out rooms
- Closing Remarks
Our female leaders
Professor of Explainable Machine Learning, Cluster of Excellence "Machine Learning: New Perspectives for Science", University of Tübingen
Cyber Valley Max Planck Research Group Leader, Physics for Inference and Optimization, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Katherine J. Kuchenbecker, Ph.D.
Managing Director and Director of the Haptic Intelligence Department, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
CEO, Meshcapade GmbH, Tübingen
Professor of Systems Theory in Systems Biology, Cluster of Excellence "SimTech", University of Stuttgart
Junior Professor of Teaching and Learning with Intelligent Systems, Institute of Educational Science, University of Stuttgart
Please register here, people of all gender identities are welcome. The meeting will be held on zoom and in English.
Oliwia Gust - Event Manager for Cyber Valley
Phone: +49 7071 601 1554
Mobile: +49 151 4075 6302
Mail: oliwia.gust@cyber-valley.de
Cyber Valley in cooperation with Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and Gender Equality Offices of University of Tübingen und University of Stuttgart.
The event is taking place in the context of Frauenwirtschaftstage 2020.