Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems

Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems is mentioned in 131 news articles

Thumb ticker md bmas ministerreise bw

Federal Minister Hubertus Heil visits Cyber Valley in Tüb...

How AI and skilled immigration will change the future of work
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Thumb ticker md untitled design 20

Extended deadline for Cyber Valley Entrepreneurial Programs

Submit your Innovation Fellowship and Proof of Concept proposals by June 30, 2024
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Thumb ticker md 5

Amazon and Max Planck Society announce recipients of gift...

The awards support four research projects exploring the intersection of fashion and AI.
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Thumb ticker md 240126 lab tour petra olschowsi img 1767 small size

Minister Olschowski visits Cyber Valley in Tübingen

Showcasing the future of intelligent systems and AI research
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Thumb ticker md euroeap 2

EuroEAP 2024 comes to Stuttgart

Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems hosts international conference
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Thumb ticker md press releases

Bionic Intelligence in Cyber Valley

Biointelligent systems for diagnosis and treatment of everyday neurological and mental ...
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Thumb ticker md september newsletter

September 2023 Newsletter

Everything you need to know from the Cyber Valley Community
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Thumb ticker md graphic newsletter 2x

August 2023 Newsletter

Everything you need to know from the Cyber Valley community
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Thumb ticker md 20210723 mpiis students wolfram scheible 07

Great success at NeurIPS 2022

46 papers from Cyber Valley researchers selected for AI conference
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Thumb ticker md schokoroboter und deepfakes cover

Chocolate robots and deepfakes

New comic of the Tübingen AI Center illustrates young people’s thoughts about AI
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Thumb ticker md jury und teilnehmer bwki 2022

BWKI honors teams of students

Germany’s up-and-coming AI talent impressed at the finals
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Thumb ticker md georg martius

ERC Consolidator Grant for Georg Martius

Huge joy about fantastic recognition
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Thumb ticker md icml22

Cyber Valley makes strong showing at ICML 2022

Numerous accepted papers at leading machine learning conference
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Thumb ticker md morti5

Robot dog learns to walk in one hour

Virtual spinal cord is continuously optimized
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News event item blue

On a mission to one day battle cancer

Bacteria-based biohybrid microrobots
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Thumb ticker md wirzberger 1

Elisabeth Schiemann Kolleg welcomes Maria Wirzberger

Cyber Valley scientist becomes a new fellow
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News event item blue

Wieland Brendel new research group leader

New role for the scientist and entrepreneur
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Thumb ticker md csm mvl6 69265d0977

Almost 20 million for Tübingen AI Center

Permanent funding for AI competence centers in Germany
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News event item green

Andreas Geiger wins Longuet-Higgins prize

Second high-profile award for the “KITTI Vision Benchmark”
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Thumb ticker md imgl0231

Foundation stone laid for new Cyber Valley building

Structure to become part of the Innovation Campus in Tübingen
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Thumb ticker md sidays22 event 2

Science & Innovation Days 2022

Knowledge creates the future
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Thumb ticker md cvpr22

Cyber Valley stands out at leading conference

Strong showing with 29 papers accepted at CVPR 2022
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Thumb ticker md wenqi hu 1

Wenqi Hu new Cyber Valley group leader

“Bioinspired Autonomous Miniature Robots” group starts as of June 1, 2022
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Thumb ticker md cyber valley rebecca reisch web

Rebecca C. Reisch new Cyber Valley Managing Director

Science Minister Bauer: “Cyber Valley GmbH a central hub in the network”
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Thumb ticker md microrobots

Microrobots display versatile movement patterns

System capable of quick transitions between behaviors
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News event item blue

Meshcapade wins new start-up award

Cyber Valley spin-off receives prize by the Max Planck Society and the Stifterverband
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Thumb ticker md newsimage361984

Meet BirdBot, the avian-inspired robot

BirdBot is energy-efficient thanks to nature as a model
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Thumb ticker md flag of ukraine

Standing with Ukraine

Collection of useful resources regarding the Russo-Ukrainian war
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Thumb ticker md newsimage361247

Fingertip sensitivity for robots

Getting closer to the sense of touch of human skin
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Thumb ticker md jpf 220127 7256

First ELLIS Institute in Tübingen gets go-ahead

Minister-President Kretschmann and Hans-Werner Hector sign funding agreement
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Thumb ticker md luftbild technologiepark tuebingen

State government paves the way for Cyber Valley Campus

Up to 180 million euros to be invested in Tübingen location
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Thumb ticker md youtube bild  3

New podcast episode: Feel the Robot – haptic intelligence

Cyber Valley Podcast with Katherine J. Kuchenbecker and Ilja Mirsky
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Thumb ticker md 20191122 kuchenbecker katherine 2

How does a robot learn to touch?

Interview with Katherine J. Kuchenbecker about haptic intelligence
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Thumb ticker md feature image

ML deployed to fast-track industrial optimization process

Joint research project between science and industry
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Thumb ticker md dsc02783

Communicate and inspire

With Auguste Schulz, AI makes its way to schools
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Thumb ticker md cv5 hp

Five years of Cyber Valley

AI research consortium celebrates anniversary
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Thumb ticker md dsc 1086

A space for AI in the middle of the city

University of Tübingen sets up AI makerspace for young people
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Thumb ticker md 20181214 capture hall wolfram scheible65

Cyber Valley again at the top of the list at NeurIPS

50 Cyber Valley papers selected for leading AI conference
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Thumb ticker md 18 geiger andreas annette cardinale2

Andreas Geiger honored with Everingham Prize

Team around Tübingen professor receives prestigious award
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Thumb ticker md img 0126

Cyber Valley welcomes transatlantic delegation

State legislators from the U.S. and Germany visit Tübingen
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Thumb ticker md diabetes erkennung

Detect diabetes with whole-body MRI

Deep learning trained with over 2000 MRI images
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News event item green

Cyber Valley attracts attention at ICCV

24 papers accepted at the International Conference for Computer Vision
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Thumb ticker md fbaxmsswqas0dc9

Moritz Hardt appointed a Director at MPI-IS

Social perspective on computer science at the center of research
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Thumb ticker md 31

Max Planck Institute celebrates double anniversary

Prominent guests look back on 10 and 100 years of scientific excellence at Neues Schloss
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Thumb ticker md aleph ellis long

ELLIS and Aleph Alpha receive German AI Prize

The awards honor outstanding contributions in the field of AI
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Thumb ticker md e 4n3umvgay4dk4

Frontiers of Knowledge Award for Bernhard Schölkopf

BBVA Foundation hosted ceremony in Bilbao
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Thumb ticker md w2 bild

Wanted: new research group leaders

Applications are open until November 14
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Thumb ticker md imprs

Funded Ph.D. positions at the IMPRS-IS

Apply to join the program and begin a Ph.D. in 2022
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Thumb ticker md adjdojncioofinnb

Geckos glide, crash-land, but don’t fall thanks to tail

Soft perching robot validates the benefit of having a fifth leg
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Thumb ticker md caterinadebacco1

Cyber Valley research group leader wins prestigious award

Caterina De Bacco awarded early-career prize by the European Physical Society
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Thumb ticker md adobestock 444592786

Cyber Valley stands out at leading conference

Growing momentum with 23 accepted papers at the ICML
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Thumb ticker md giraffe teaser400

Better decisions, more control: “Best Paper Award” for Tü...

Two Cyber Valley researchers awarded for best scientific paper at world-renowned confer...
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Thumb ticker md 20180917 students patrick junker 3

Cyber Valley’s computer vision research community shines ...

27 papers accepted and four best paper nominations at CVPR 2021
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Thumb ticker md new apple lifted

Electrohydraulic arachno-bot a fascinating lightweight

Fast and efficient nature-inspired joints power robotic systems
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Thumb ticker md 20181213 black michael wolfram scheible9

Michael J. Black is elected member of Leopoldina

A director at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen, Black is on...
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Thumb ticker md photo2

“People want to be able to trust the machine”

Samira Samadi leads the “Human Aspects of ML” research group
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Thumb ticker md artificial intelligence 3382507 1920

“Clusters4Future”: TheranosticValleySTR reaches second round

BMBF announces finalists for future clusters
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Thumb ticker md feature image

A modular building platform for the most ingenious of robots

Playground of new possibilities arises in constructing miniature soft-bodied machines
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Thumb ticker md thumb ticker xxl poster bwki 2021 quer

Ready, steady, go!

National AI competition enters new round
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Thumb ticker md justus thies

Making the virtual world even more realistic

The MPI-IS gains an expert for capture and synthesis
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Thumb ticker md portrait

“We’d like to make complex dynamical systems better able ...

Michael Mühlebach recently joined MPI-IS as leader of the independent Learning and Dyn...
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Thumb ticker md mpi softfish lowres

Underwater swimming robot responds with feedback from sof...

“Modeling and Control of a Soft Robotic Fish with Integrated Soft Sensing” published in...
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Thumb ticker md artboard 6

Teilnehmende für COVID-19 Studie gesucht

Künstliche Intelligenz soll Früherkennung eines schweren Krankheitsverlaufs ermöglichen
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Thumb ticker md adobestock 14757363

Cyber Valley: “The place to be”

Baden-Württemberg has the most AI and robotics professorships in Germany
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Thumb ticker md adobestock 392981327

Artificial intelligence supports medical prognoses

Using COVID-19 as an example, a machine learning method predicts patients' individual m...
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Thumb ticker md collage1

Cyber Valley is poised to expand, grow even stronger, and...

Hector Foundations to fund expansion of Stuttgart/Tübingen AI research center with 100 ...
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Thumb ticker md img 20200121 105003

Research team receives 1.5 million euros to develop algor...

The grant is part of a Volkswagen Foundation funding program that aims at establishing ...
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Thumb ticker md 2020.12.17 ai hub 001

A real “gamechanger” for AI in the next decade

Chancellor Merkel gives go-ahead for “AI Breakthrough Hub” – which will be funded by th...
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Thumb ticker md teaser pic

Teaching machines to see like people

Researchers in Tübingen develop new approach to 3D-aware image synthesis
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Thumb ticker md landingpage picture bethgebrendel hr

DFG continues funding of Tübingen research centre

Growing understanding of human vision
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Thumb ticker md swiss

Representatives of the Swiss border cantons visit Cyber V...

The one-hour event at MPI-IS focused on cross-border cooperation
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Thumb ticker md 20191119 mpiis kuchenbecker w.scheible 002

NEC Laboratories Europe and Cyber Valley research institu...

Memorandum of Understanding for future AI collaboration also outlines support for regio...
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Thumb ticker md bwki 01

Schüler finden außergewöhnliche Lösungsansätze mit Hilfe ...

Vermisste Haustiere finden, ein intelligenter Blindenstock, Grundrissplananalyse und Er...
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Thumb ticker md thumb ticker xxl thumb ticker xxl 20181213 ps team wolfram scheible11

Cyber Valley institutions once again among Germany’s top ...

In total, 31 papers from Cyber Valley have been accepted to the upcoming NeurIPS 2020 c...
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Thumb ticker md bildschirmfoto 2020 11 09 um 17.23.31

Schüler gestalten mit Künstlicher Intelligenz die Welt vo...

Bundeswettbewerb Künstliche Intelligenz präsentiert am 14. November Finalistinnen und F...
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Thumb ticker md sample

Cyber Valley researchers enable better analyses of large ...

Using a recently developed algorithmic sampling method, Nicolò Ruggeri and Caterina de ...
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Thumb ticker md cls image

The Max Planck-ETH PhD program: Call for Applications

The Max Planck ETH Center for Learning Systems is offering funded PhD positions for 202...
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Thumb ticker md eed949ae ff02 4c9f 936e c6955334148d 1 105 c

New AI in medicine initiative launched

“Offers the opportunity to pool the region’s many strengths and give Baden-Württemberg ...
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Thumb ticker md 056 20 chipfertigung1

CMOS chip projects ultrasound movies

Scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, University of Stuttga...
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Thumb ticker md merkel7

Chancellor Angela Merkel and Minister-President Winfried ...

In several virtual tours, they gained insights into the latest research on artificial i...
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Thumb ticker md 051 20 aamirahmad nvidia

Intelligent and cooperative aerial robots

Dr. Aamir Ahmad appointed new Tenure-Track Professor at the University of Stuttgart
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Thumb ticker md keplinger christoph geringauflo  send

Christoph Keplinger joins the Max Planck Institute for In...

With the appointment of the 36-year old Austrian, the Max Planck Society has attracted ...
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Thumb ticker md p1000071 kopie

From picking up a cube to writing with a pen – learning d...

MPI-IS in Tübingen is hosting a challenge that aims to advance the state of the art in ...
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Thumb ticker md mlss20  1

Machine Learning Summer School (MLSS) Tübingen: the first...

Participants from 39 countries on five continents are attending the online event. Cyber...
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Thumb ticker md 3.bengio yoshua credit camille gladu drouin dec2019

Yoshua Bengio hält Max Planck Lecture 2020

Der diesjährige Vortrag findet am 23. Juni online statt
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Thumb ticker md zwolf pneufish 1

Swimming robot gives valuable insights into locomotion of...

Researchers study morphological intelligence encoded into the physical system of animals
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Thumb ticker md phone de 03 white background

CoroNotes: New app supports medical research on COVID-19

Due to technical problems, Coronotes is not currently available
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Thumb ticker md fig exp2

International team of scientists develops machine learnin...

Newly published paper presents research that could make an important contribution to di...
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Thumb ticker md 20190709 wirzberger maria wolfram scheible2

Maria Wirzberger appointed Tenure-Track Assistant Profess...

In her new role, Wirzberger will focus on teaching and learning with intelligent systems
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Thumb ticker md niki 2

Niki Kilbertus ist "Newcomer des Jahres" 

Der Informatiker ist Doktorand am MPI-IS im Rahmen des Cambridge-Tübinger PhD Fellowshi...
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Thumb ticker md toc image

Cyber Valley launches Start-Up Network

The Cyber Valley Start-Up Network aims to build a community of entrepreneurs in the fie...
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Thumb ticker md a7r00601

Fraunhofer Gesellschaft joins Cyber Valley

Cooperation between Germany’s leading research institutions further strengthens Baden-W...
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Thumb ticker md 20191021 flowattack 15 klein

Color patch could throw self-driving vehicles off track

Researchers send wake-up call to the car industry
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Thumb ticker md  dsc1034

Scope of Cyber Valley research expanded to include intell...

University of Stuttgart appoints Dr. Tian Qiu, a leading scientist in the field of mini...
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Thumb ticker md thumb ticker xxl ai research t  bingen deep art

Eine Bundes- und eine Landesministerin zu Besuch im Cyber...

Kompetenzzentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz und Maschinelles Lernen stellte Fortschritt...
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Thumb ticker md img 0038

Canada comes to Cyber Valley

Canadian AI experts gain insights into Europe’s biggest research cooperation in the fie...
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Thumb ticker md 20180917 cybervalley tag1 junker dsc7419

Cyber Valley’s machine learning research makes a strong s...

Twenty-seven papers accepted at world’s most competitive AI conferences
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Thumb ticker md xxl img 7106

Minister of Economy Hoffmeister-Kraut visits Cyber Valley

Baden-Württembergs Wirtschaftsministerin Hoffmeister-Kraut betont erneut das Engagement...
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Thumb ticker md 20180917 cybervalley tag1 junker dsc6957 klein

New height in popularity: IMPRS-IS on track to double siz...

"Young, talented people are the ones who will shape our future in the digital world, in...
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Thumb ticker md bildschirmfoto 2019 03 13 um 15.32.02

Große Resonanz für neuen Bundeswettbewerb Künstliche Inte...

Bisher fast 1500 Teilnehmer am Schülerwettbewerb ‒ Mehr als 900 Schulteams sind bereits...
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Thumb ticker md prof hein mpi47

Top researcher appointed Bosch-endowed chair

Bosch endows the chair with 5.5 million euros: Matthias Hein to research machine learni...
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Thumb ticker md around the world header

Cyber Valley attracts research group leaders from around ...

Research cooperation in the field of intelligent systems gains momentum
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Thumb ticker md startschuss header

Go-ahead for Cyber Valley

Science and industry form one of Europe's largest research partnerships in artificial i...
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Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems is mentioned in 49 events

40 related people

Thumb ticker sm 39495 1484737768
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm dominik baumann
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm img 3106
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm portrait 3
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm headshot2021
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm valerie callaghan 8913
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm p5041326 2
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm img 1833 2  1
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm 20220504 diehl alex 01
Eyehl GmbH
Thumb ticker sm doclcfcbhjbnapeg
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm portrait peer
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm portrait squared
University of Tübingen & Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Square news event item green
ELLIS Institute Tübingen, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems & Tübingen Al Center
Thumb ticker sm moritz hardt
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm philipp cropped small
University of Tübingen
Square news event item blue
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Square news event item blue
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm thumb ticker keplinger christoph geringaufl%c3%b6send
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm ksenia max planck
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm kjkuchenbecker1
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm yiyi liao
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm falk lieder 2018 medium cropped
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm georg 2018 crop small
University of Tübingen
Thumb ticker sm leila.masri.foto
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm 20220420 mayer florian klein
Cyber Valley GmbH
Thumb ticker sm portrait
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm junhyung park
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm mijungpark copy
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm img 1
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm righetti
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm profilesquare
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm l1170153  0.5 credit
ELLIS Institute Tübingen & Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm katja schwarz
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm metin eth vertical
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm image001
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm 9368 cut
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm bild
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm 20220420 troendle matthias 05
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm isaweb
Saarland University & Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm profile ics
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems