Female Leadership in Cyber Valley

Top female scientists and entrepreneurs from the Cyber Valley ecosystem will talk about their careers, their inspiration for a career in science and technology, and the challenges they faced along the way. Among the speakers are professors from the Universities of Stuttgart and Tübingen, a director of the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, a Cyber Valley research group leader and the managing director of a company from the Cyber Valley start-up network. A complete list can be found here. Participants of the event will have the opportunity to participate in the panel discussion with female executives in the research areas of machine learning, robotics, computer vision, human-computer interaction and simulation sciences. Afterwards, smaller break out rooms will also offer participants the opportunity to network.
The Frauenwirtschaftstage are a nationwide campaign for equality to support the equal participation of women in working life and in the economy. For this reason, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing Construction organizes the Frauenwirtschaftstage every year. This year’s main theme is “Female Leadership – Female Bosses Wanted!” From October 14 to 17, 2020, regional workshops, congresses, lectures and consultations will be offered by numerous local organizers for companies and interested parties. The focus will be on the topics of female entrepreneurs, start-ups and business succession, networking and cooperation, women on their way to management positions, women re-entering the workforce and the compatibility of work and family life. The event “Female Leadership in Cyber Valley” is part of this event series.
You can register here. Please note that the event will be held in English and with the video conferencing service Zoom.
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