Prototyping Day(s)
How to Develop and Test a User-Centered Product

The events are primarily aimed at researchers, employees and students of the University of Tübingen. However, free places are also allocated to people from the Cyber Valley ecosystem. Please register if you are interested.
You are interested in development of innovative products or prototypes and you want to get insights into related processes, methods, technologies, and testing?
This hands-on workshop will give you a comprehensive view of
- how innovation takes place and is handled within start-ups and large companies
- up-to-date information on tools and examples for hardware, electronic and software product and prototype development
- methods to create user-centred products or services
- product management tasks including consideration of business cases
- how to assess markets and future developments and how to learn from the past
The course will be based on a variety of product examples and will introduce close to reality best practise. You will be taken on a customer journey, learn about product development processes and many basic related methods. You have the chance to create a product idea, and assess, improve and test your own (virtual) product or prototype.
The workshop is held in English!
May 5 and May 12, 2023, 1–5 p.m.