Lecture Series: AI - Dialog between Science and Society
Experiences from Cyber Valley Public Engagement

The further development of artificial intelligence (AI) requires not only research that considers ethical and societal implications, but also a dialog between science and society. But how can researchers and citizens engage in a conversation on such a complex topic? Rebecca Beiter, Cyber Valley Public Engagement Manager, talks in this online lecture about her experiences with different formats that promote and challenge the dialog between science and society. In addition to specifics about dialog on AI, the lecture also focuses on public engagement in general. How does public engagement differ from classic science communication? What is the idea behind it and which values should public engagement represent? Beiter will discuss the work on a public engagement codex and how to participate in creating it.
The talk will be held online and in German; registration is not required. You can watch this event in a Zoom Webinar room. Access information will be available on the lecture series homepage in due course. The lecture series is organized by the University of Ulm in cooperation with the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung (BAG WiWA).