Zweiter Workshop, Mental Effort

Detaillierte Beschreibung des Workshops, der in englischer Sprache abgehalten wird:
We can all feel exhausted after a day of work, even if we have spent it sitting at a desk. The intuitive concept of mental effort pervades virtually all domains of human information processing and has become an indispensable ingredient for general theories of cognition. However, inconsistent use of the term across cognitive sciences, including cognitive psychology, education, human-factors engineering and artificial intelligence, makes it one of the least well-defined theoretical constructs across fields.
The purpose of our two-day workshop is to bridge this gap by (a) offering hands-on tutorials on different computational approaches used to model mental effort and by (b) fostering discussion about the operationalization of mental effort among scientists from different research communities and modeling backgrounds.
Key questions of discussion will include (but are not limited to):
● What are the experimental phenomena that lay a foundation for theories of mental effort?
● What is the common ground in operationalizing mental effort across different domains of cognitive science?
● Which modeling approach(es) is (are) best suited to answer which questions regarding mental effort?
The workshop is specifically designed to attract scholars with expertise in different modeling
Call for abstracts and registration
Are you working on a project or thesis related to mental effort and want to discuss your ideas?
If so, we are inviting you to present a poster during our virtual poster session.
Registration and Call for Submission Closes: July 15, 2021