AI House Davos: Open Source
Bridging Innovation & Safety Lunch
Leading the global conversation on AI at the World Economic Form

Open-source practices have been foundational in the development of today’s digital technologies. Rapid advances in capabilities of frontier AI models have brought new attention to these practices, as policymakers grapple with open source’s role in AI safety. These debates highlight tensions between open source as a tool for innovation and scrutiny, and concerns about unconstrained proliferation of powerful dual-use technologies. The question that follows is how to leverage open-source development to enable innovation without enabling harm; how can we use these approaches for safe and socially beneficial technology development, while also reducing AI risks?
Tuesday January 16, 2024, 12:30-13:30 CET
Valley Stage, AI House Davos, Promenade 68, 7270 Davos Platz
- Networking lunch with panel discussion
Moderator and session coordinator:
- Jessica Montgomery, Director AI@Cam, University of Cambridge
- Bernhard Schölkopf, Professor – Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems & ETH
- Neil Lawrence, University of Cambridge – Professor of Machine Learning
- Yann LeCun, Meta – VP & Chief AI Scientist