22. April 2020
• 13:30
ELLIS against Covid-19
The world is facing a public health emergency caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. We all need to take this on, and science can make a major contribution. This online workshop will present projects on how to tackle Covid-19 using methods of machine learning and AI, carried out by leading international researchers.

* Speakers and talk titles are subject to change
* All times in Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Time Session 1:30pm 1:35pmIntroduction
- Sepp Hochreiter
Epidemiology & modeling
- Peter Grünwald (10 min): The BCG CORONA and BCG-CORONA-ELDERLY Clinical Trials.
- Alessandro Betti, Marco Gori (10 min): Learning the Dynamic SIR Model: An Optimal Control Approach
- Johannes Zierenberg (10 min): Inferring COVID-19 spreading rates and potential change points for case number forecasts
- Questions & discussion (15 min)
Data, privacy and ML challenges
- Antti Honkela (10 min): Privacy-preserving contact statistics collection for COVID-19 epidemic management
- Thomas M. Hermans and Andre Loesekrug-Pietri (5 min): The JEDI Grand Challenge
- Kostas Kavoussanakis (5 min): Rapid Assistance in Modelling the Pandemic (RAMP)
- Rolf Apweiler (10 min): The European COVID-19 Research Data Platform
- Questions & discussion (15 min)
- Victoria Schpacovitch, Katharina Morik (10 min): Resource optimising real-time analysis of artifactious image sequences for the detection of nano-objects
- Plamen Angelov (5 min): COVID-19 CT Scan Classification via Explainable Deep Learning
- Questions & discussion (10 min)
Concluding discussion
Send questions and comments to the speakers here: https://forms.gle/pBohVJyVQBYNbNy36
The event will be livestreamed. You can watch it on YouTube: https://youtu.be/3VsKaiJB4Mc
Joint European Disruptive Initiative (J.E.D.I.)
University of Helsinki & Finnish Centre for AI
Technical University of Dortmund
University of Edinburgh
University of Siena
CWI Amsterdam & Leiden University
Lancaster University
European Bioinformatics Institute
University of Siena