IMPRS-IS 2024 Interview Symposium Keynotes
All members of the IMPRS-IS community are invited to attend the eighth annual interview symposium taking place on February 8, 2024. The event will feature two keynote presentations from IMPRS-IS faculty Dr. Wieland Brendel and Prof. Andreas Bulling.

The International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems (IMPRS-IS) brings together the MPI for Intelligent Systems with the University of Stuttgart and the University of Tübingen to form a highly visible and unique graduate school of internationally recognized faculty, working at the leading edge of the field. This program is a key element of Baden-Württemberg’s Cyber Valley initiative to accelerate basic research and commercial development in artificial intelligence.
Each year, the program hosts a symposium to interview IMPRS-IS Ph.D. applicants. As the scientific highlight of this year's program, Dr. Wieland Brendel (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and ELLIS) and Prof. Andreas Bulling (University of Stuttgart) will be featured as keynote speakers for the event.
Their hybrid keynote talks will take place back-to-back at the two sites of MPI-IS on Thursday, February 8. All community members are encouraged to join these presentations, preferably onsite if possible.
Wieland Brendel - Cracking the black box: how far are we from understanding the inner workings of deep vision models?
Date: Thursday, Febrary 8, 2024
Time: 15:30 - 16:15 CET
Onsite Location: MPI-IS Tübingen, Main Lecture Hall, Room N0.002
Andreas Bulling - The academic journey - a personal travel report
Date: Thursday, Febrary 8, 2024
Time: 16:30 - 17:15 CET
Onsite Location: MPI-IS Stuttgart, Copper Lecture Hall (Formerly R204)
Participants can watch these talks on-site in either Stuttgart or Tübingen. One talk will be presented live in each location, and the other will be streamed remotely in real time. Both talks can also be watched online via Webex, which is how most applicants will join.
Each keynote talk is anticipated to be 30 minutes long plus about 15 minutes for questions and discussion, giving a break of about 15 minutes between them.
Links to access this event will be distributed via our community mailing lists.
With questions about this event or how to join, please contact Sara Sorce (
Keep in mind: This event is for internal community members only.