Kyutai: Lernen Sie Europas eigenständiges KI-Forschungslabor kennen
Bernhard Schölkopf wurde zum Mitglied des wissenschaftlichen Komitees ernannt

Kyutai, das erste europäische Labor auf Privatinitiative wurde am 17. November 2023 in Station F in Paris auf Privatinitiative gegründet. Mit Freude möchten wir Bernhard Schölkopf gratulieren, der nun dem wissenschaftlichen Ausschuss von Kyutai angehört. Bernhard Schölkopf ist zudem Vorstandsmitglied von Cyber Valley sowie Präsident von ELLIS (European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems).
Weitere Einzelheiten ist der nachstehenden Pressemitteilung in englischer Sprache zu entnehmen.
Kyutai is a non-profit laboratory entirely dedicated to open research in artificial intelligence (AI). Its objective is to tackle the main challenges of modern AI, particularly by developing large multimodal models – using text but also sound, images, etc. – and by inventing new algorithms to enhance their capacities, reliability and efficiency.
Kyutai has already brought on board a team of researchers and a scientific committee with outstanding academic and business backgrounds.
Bernhard Schölkopf is known worldwide for his work in machine learning. After spending time working for corporations, he joined the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen as a Director, where he headed the Empirical Inference department. He is also an Affiliated Professor at ETH Zürich and President of ELLIS (European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems). He has received numerous awards for his research work, including the Leibniz Prize in 2018 and the Royal Society Milner Prize in 2014.
Resolutely committed to the democratization of AI, Kyutai is positioning itself as a leading player in AI open science. Its ambition is to share its advances with the entire AI ecosystem – the scien- tific community, developers, companies, society at large and decision-makers in democracies.
Kyutai will also contribute to the training of future AI experts, by offering internships to students on Master’s programs and supervising PhD students and postdocs.
Kyutai was founded jointly by the iliad Group, the CMA CGM Group and Schmidt Futures. Kyutai’s offices are based in Paris.
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