20 October 2022
21 October 2022
| online
Reflection on intelligent systems: towards a cross-disciplinary definition
Digital Workshop
IRIS, the University of Stuttgart Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems, aims to take the first steps towards a cross-disciplinary definition of the notion of reflection on intelligent systems during this two-day digital Reflection Workshop on October 20-21, 2022.

IRIS is currently accepting submissions for this workshop!
Submissions (2-page abstracts) should relate to one or multiple workshop themes:
- What does it mean to reflect on intelligent systems?
- Which tools and methods are needed to successfully engage in (critical) reflection on intelligent systems?
- What is the purpose of this reflection, its outcome, and who is the target audience?
- Which lessons can we learn from discipline-internal reflection practices?
- To what extent can these lessons be “translated” into interdisciplinary collaborations, teaching, science-policy debates, and science communication to a broader public?
We particularly encourage submissions that report on unpublished empirical or theoretical work or present relevant aspects of already published work. As this is a workshop, working papers are welcome!
All submissions should be sent to reflection.workshop@iris.uni-stuttgart.de with a short bio by September 11, 2022. The participants will be notified of the acceptance by the end of September.
University of Stuttgart
University of Stuttgart
University of Stuttgart