Cyber Storys Writing Workshop for School Classes
Support for the AI short story competition

Should a robot clean up the room? Should a computer decide which school you can go to? How could your own life work with artificial intelligence? Shape the future with your own ideas!
In the writing workshop for the Cyber Storys short story competition, Matthias Gronemeyer helps school classes develop their own ideas about our future with artificial intelligence and shows how to turn these ideas into a story. Classes can talk to Cyber Valley researchers who are eager to answer any questions. No prior knowledge is required! The short stories can then be submitted to the Cyber Storys short story contest. Prizes for the best short stories will be awarded at the Stuttgart Science Festival in the summer of 2022.
The writing workshop will be held in German and is offered by Stuttgart Public Library in collaboration with Cyber Valley.
Classes from grade 7 and higher from the Stuttgart area can register by mail at: