2 March 2022
• 14:00
| Stuttgart and Tübingen
Office hours: Cyber Valley Start-up Incubation Program
Ask your questions about starting an AI business in Cyber Valley
During office hours, students and researchers can ask our Innovation Manager Tobias Dürr their questions about the Cyber Valley Start-up Incubation Program.

The Cyber Valley Start-up Incubation Program offers both master’s students and researchers the opportunity to try out founding an AI start-up in April and May 2022 – in just six weeks. Find all the information about the Cyber Valley Incubation Program on this page. The application deadline is March 13, 2022.
Do you have questions? Cyber Valley Innovation Manager Tobias Dürr offers interested persons an online office hour (30 minutes) in which he will answer your questions about the program. The office hours are on March 2, 14:00 CET, on March 3, 11:00 CET and March 7, 15:00 CET. You can dial in at these times via this link.