PR Basics & Good Practices

Cyber Valley Entrepreneurship Series

Effective communication and PR are decisive success factors for any business, and start-ups are no exception. Especially for young start-ups with limited resources, formulating the right strategy and applying the tools required to maximize visibility and have the greatest possible impact can be daunting. With the support of communications experts from Cyber Valley and its Start-Up Network, the next edition of the Entrepreneurship Series will thus focus on PR Basics and Good Practices for tech start-ups. Seasoned communicators will offer insights on working with external service providers, cooperating with the press, and the special communication needs of tech companies. Their presentations will be followed by a Q&A session.
Thumb ticker xxl pr basics


Thumb ticker sm 20220504 duerr tobias 06
University of Stuttgart
Thumb ticker sm 20220420 schmaus julia 05
University of Tübingen
Thumb ticker sm 20220504 diehl alex 01
Eyehl GmbH
Thumb ticker sm 20220420 mayer florian klein
Cyber Valley GmbH
