ELLIS against Covid-19

The world is facing a public health emergency caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. We all need to take this on, and science can make a major contribution. This online workshop will present projects on how to tackle Covid-19 using methods of machine learning and AI, carried out by leading international researchers. Research topics include outbreak prediction, epidemiological modelling, drug development, viral and host genome sequencing, and health care management.



Thumb ticker sm l1170153  0.5 credit
ELLIS Institute Tübingen & Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm axel krieger
Johns Hopkins University
Thumb ticker sm cecilia mascolo
University of Cambridge
Thumb ticker sm photo2
Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Thumb ticker sm peter kazanzides
Johns Hopkins University
Thumb ticker sm victor greiff
University of Oslo
Thumb ticker sm russ taylor
Johns Hopkins University
Thumb ticker sm fabian theis
Helmholtz Center Munich
Thumb ticker sm luca ferretti
University of Oxford
Thumb ticker sm clarisa s%c3%a1nchez
University of Amsterdam