Cyber Valley Days: Inspiring the AI of the future
Rebecca Beiter on the power of community

Cyber Valley Days were a great success! The event showcased the groundbreaking research, innovation, and collaboration taking place in Cyber Valley and concluded with the grand opening of the ELLIS Institute Tübingen. In the following interview, Rebecca Beiter, Director of Communication & Society at Cyber Valley GmbH, shares her perspective on the three-day event.
How did Cyber Valley Days help reinforce a sense of community within Cyber Valley?
During the Corona pandemic, it was not possible to meet in person. Even though we made quite a few online formats for the community to meet each other, real dialogue, networking, and exchange are just easier in person. With our Meet-ups and other regular events, we built a sense of community. Cyber Valley Days made it possible for our community to meet and network to an unprecedented extent. It was really great to see how much we have grown over the years and how diverse, varied, and international our community has become.
What was the most memorable interaction you had during Cyber Valley Days?
For me, the conversations with Yann LeCun were particularly memorable, along with many great memories. His view of AI is very hopeful and his assessments of the future of AI are based on a broad range of specialist knowledge. Despite his expert knowledge, he manages to explain AI and current developments in a way that is easily accessible and understandable for everyone – this was particularly impressive for me as a communicator.
Which session did you find most impactful or inspiring and why?
Cyber Valley Days had an incredibly dense and top-class program of speakers. Nevertheless, the finale of The AI Incubator remains the highlight for me, because this is where I see young people with new ideas on how technology can make the world a better place. They are all driven by an inner motivation to use AI sensibly, sustainably, and for the benefit of all. Their ideas inspire me each time!
Read further interviews with the Cyber Valley Team here!
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