15 July 2020
• 15:00
| Virtual Event
Entrepreneurship Series | IP - licensing - patents
For a potential entrepreneur, the road from science to successful start-up is paved with challenges that might seem daunting at first. Securing intellectual property for a new technology is one such challenge - what steps need to be taken? What needs to be considered? Which questions need to be answered and which rules observed?
Join us at the Cyber Valley workshop on July 15th, where experts in the realm of intellectual property will help you gain a solid overview of the milestones involved in patenting your business idea.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the workshop will be virtual (Zoom). If you would like to participate, please register here.
Drawing on an example, our experts will describe a new technology's route to market as well as the relevant legal regulations. They will address a range of topics, including: invention, ownership, know-how, software, open source license, patent law, earnings, and many others.
While the event is virtual, participants will be invited to interact with the experts and discuss concrete questions and challenges.
Our experts have extensive experience in the relevant fields and look forward to sharing their profound knowledge. They are located at the technology transfer departments of the Universities of Stuttgart and Tübingen, Max Planck Innovation GmbH, the legal department of the Max Planck Society, and an external guest from the law firm Boehmert & Boehmert. We also have a founder with us, who can report from her own experience regarding the practical implementation.
Our experts:
Dr. Rolf Hecker, Head of Technology Transfer & Start-ups, University of Tübingen
Dr. Ralf Kaun, Head of Knowledge and Technology Transfer, University of Stuttgart
Max Planck Innovation:
Dr. Bernd Ctortecka, Senior Patent- & License Manager
Dr. Wolfgang Tröger, Senior Patent- & License Manager
Dr. Andreas Vogler, Patent- & License Manager
Dr. Florian Kirschenhofer, Senior Start-up & Portfolio Manager
Simone Bund, Ass. jur. Patent- & License Manager
Max Planck Society Legal Department:
Sabine Krabichler, Shareholdings, Cooperations, Technology Transfer
Maximillian Funk, IT Law and Data Protection Law
Boehmert & Boehmert:
Dr. Matthias Hofman, German Patent Attorney, European Patent and Trade Mark Attorney (external guest)
Meshcapade (Cyber Valley Start-up Network Member):
Naureen Mahmood, CEO
Cyber Valley:
Alexander Diehl, Senior Advisor
Professor Alexander Brem, Entrepreneurship in Technology and Digitization
Tobias Dürr, Innovation Manager
University of Stuttgart
Cyber Valley GmbH
Eyehl GmbH
University of Stuttgart