Machine Learning

Machine Learning is mentioned in 62 news articles

Thumb ticker md design learnings graphics and comments

European Robotics Forum 2025 (ERF2025)

Cyber Valley co-hosts the 16th edition of ERF in Stuttgart
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Thumb ticker md design ohne titel  4

Master class: The Numerics of Machine Learning

Free lecture series, freely available online
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Thumb ticker md imprs is 2023 recruitment collage 1

Ph.D. opportunities at the IMPRS-IS

Program will accept its 7th generation of Ph.D. students in spring of 2023
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Thumb ticker md icml22

Cyber Valley makes strong showing at ICML 2022

Numerous accepted papers at leading machine learning conference
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News event item blue

Wieland Brendel new research group leader

New role for the scientist and entrepreneur
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Thumb ticker md strahlen

Degree program combines radiation sciences with AI

New master’s profile at the University of Tübingen
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Thumb ticker md adobestock 110844034

Call for papers: Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability

Journal of Innovation Economics & Management
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Thumb ticker md newsimage361698

Expert advice on getting started in AI and robotics

Application deadline March 31, 2022
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Thumb ticker md feature image

ML deployed to fast-track industrial optimization process

Joint research project between science and industry
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Thumb ticker md dsc02783

Communicate and inspire

With Auguste Schulz, AI makes its way to schools
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Thumb ticker md dsc02839

Young talent for artificial intelligence

Matthias Hein cultivates the region with excellent teaching
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Thumb ticker md background awardceremony

Meet the AI GameDev winners

mlxar, GRAF, and Kinetix SAS honored at award show
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Thumb ticker md prof hein mpi52 3

AI & medicine: safe systems and their certification

Carl Zeiss Foundation funds research project with five million euros
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Thumb ticker md ellis cities

ELLIS continues to grow

Four new units in Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom
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Thumb ticker md 18 geiger andreas annette cardinale2

Andreas Geiger honored with Everingham Prize

Team around Tübingen professor receives prestigious award
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Thumb ticker md start up network oct

Four new AI companies

Cyber Valley Start-up Network grows to 29 members
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Thumb ticker md diabetes erkennung

Detect diabetes with whole-body MRI

Deep learning trained with over 2000 MRI images
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Thumb ticker md fbaxmsswqas0dc9

Moritz Hardt appointed a Director at MPI-IS

Social perspective on computer science at the center of research
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News event item green

New Cyber Valley Research Group Leader

Dr. Hyosang Lee appointed new Research Group Leader at the University of Stuttgart
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Thumb ticker md gamedev

AI GameDev: new deadline for applications

Ideas can be submitted until October 10
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Thumb ticker md e 4n3umvgay4dk4

Frontiers of Knowledge Award for Bernhard Schölkopf

BBVA Foundation hosted ceremony in Bilbao
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Thumb ticker md start up network1

BinDoc and Field 33 join start-up network

Cyber Valley’s AI community now counts 25 start-ups
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Thumb ticker md decode cos 7 cell

Machine learning improves biological image analysis

International team develops algorithm that accelerates super-resolution microscopy
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Thumb ticker md imprs

Funded Ph.D. positions at the IMPRS-IS

Apply to join the program and begin a Ph.D. in 2022
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Thumb ticker md ellis phd program   poster a  1

ELLIS PhD Program: Call for applications

Educate the best talent in machine learning and related fields
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Thumb ticker md gamedev banner r1

Research meets gaming

AI GameDev for scientists and start-ups
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Thumb ticker md adobestock 444592786

Cyber Valley stands out at leading conference

Growing momentum with 23 accepted papers at the ICML
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Thumb ticker md 202106 start up network newcomers

Cyber Valley adds five shooting stars to its Start-up Net...

Europe’s largest AI consortium selects companies on the basis of their innovative stren...
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Thumb ticker md photo2

“People want to be able to trust the machine”

Samira Samadi leads the “Human Aspects of ML” research group
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Thumb ticker md 6164 publikationsreihe titelmontage

Kickoff AI!

Exploiting the economic opportunities of artificial intelligence
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Thumb ticker md artboard 6

Teilnehmende für COVID-19 Studie gesucht

Künstliche Intelligenz soll Früherkennung eines schweren Krankheitsverlaufs ermöglichen
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Thumb ticker md adobestock 14757363

Cyber Valley: “The place to be”

Baden-Württemberg has the most AI and robotics professorships in Germany
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Thumb ticker md start up network 2021

Cyber Valley Start-up Network continues to grow

GaussML and Smart Site Solutions rely on AI software to optimize production processes
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Thumb ticker md adobestock 392981327

Artificial intelligence supports medical prognoses

Using COVID-19 as an example, a machine learning method predicts patients' individual m...
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Thumb ticker md adobestock 7243316

Sometimes too convenient: AI under the microscope

Scientists from Tübingen and Toronto call for stronger testing procedures for algorithms
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Thumb ticker md landingpage picture bethgebrendel hr

DFG continues funding of Tübingen research centre

Growing understanding of human vision
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Thumb ticker md williamson

Robert Williamson moves to Tübingen

Machine Learning Pioneer from Australia will become Professor for the “Foundations of M...
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Thumb ticker md thumb ticker xxl thumb ticker xxl 20181213 ps team wolfram scheible11

Cyber Valley institutions once again among Germany’s top ...

In total, 31 papers from Cyber Valley have been accepted to the upcoming NeurIPS 2020 c...
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Thumb ticker md sample

Cyber Valley researchers enable better analyses of large ...

Using a recently developed algorithmic sampling method, Nicolò Ruggeri and Caterina de ...
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Thumb ticker md cyvy startup airamed computomics

Cyber Valley expands its Start-up Network with AIRAmed an...

Tübingen start-ups offer fast and objective AI analysis in the health and agricultural ...
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Thumb ticker md 03

Bernhard Schölkopf im #ScienceTalk mit Theresia Bauer

Der Direktor des Max-Planck-Instituts für Intelligente Systeme und Mitbegründer der Cyb...
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Thumb ticker md mackejakob012

Jakob Macke: new professor for Machine Learning

Second professorship within Tübingen’s Cluster of Excellence
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Thumb ticker md mlss20  1

Machine Learning Summer School (MLSS) Tübingen: the first...

Participants from 39 countries on five continents are attending the online event. Cyber...
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Thumb ticker md gorecki portrait

Master’s student Mila Gorecki from Tübingen receives Wome...

Mila Gorecki awarded for bachelor’s thesis on the identification of sources of unfairne...
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Thumb ticker md 3.bengio yoshua credit camille gladu drouin dec2019

Yoshua Bengio hält Max Planck Lecture 2020

Der diesjährige Vortrag findet am 23. Juni online statt
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Thumb ticker md 200519 pm start ups

Cyber Valley welcomes five new members to its Start-Up Ne...

Testimony to the broad scope of AI expertise in southwestern Germany
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Thumb ticker md adobestock 285418240

Cyber Valley ends third year on a high note at leading gl...

Twenty-seven submissions from Cyber Valley accepted to the upcoming NeurIPS
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Thumb ticker md thumb ticker xxl ai research t  bingen deep art

Eine Bundes- und eine Landesministerin zu Besuch im Cyber...

Kompetenzzentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz und Maschinelles Lernen stellte Fortschritt...
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Thumb ticker md 20180917 cybervalley tag1 junker dsc7419

Cyber Valley’s machine learning research makes a strong s...

Twenty-seven papers accepted at world’s most competitive AI conferences
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Thumb ticker md 20180917 cybervalley tag1 junker dsc6797

First University Master's Program in Machine Learning in ...

The University of Tübingen sets up an international program of study with a research em...
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Thumb ticker md 20180917 cybervalley tag1 junker dsc6957 klein

New height in popularity: IMPRS-IS on track to double siz...

"Young, talented people are the ones who will shape our future in the digital world, in...
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Thumb ticker md 19 01 17 sn tue pr 003

Cyber Valley-Forscher bei den Science Notes in Tübingen

Wissenschaftliche Vorträge zu Künstlicher Intelligenz in Club-Atmosphäre
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Thumb ticker md euro lab header

Initiative to establish a European Lab for Learning & Int...

Warning about the competition from the USA and China - appeal to politics
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Thumb ticker md startschuss header

Go-ahead for Cyber Valley

Science and industry form one of Europe's largest research partnerships in artificial i...
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Machine Learning is mentioned in 32 events

61 related people

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University of Tübingen
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University of Stuttgart
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University of Tübingen
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University of Tübingen
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University of Tübingen
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University of Tübingen
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University of Tübingen
Thumb ticker sm headshot2021
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
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University of Stuttgart
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ELLIS Institute Tübingen, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems & Tübingen Al Center
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TU Dortmund University & University of Stuttgart
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University of Tübingen
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Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
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Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
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Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
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University of Göttingen
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University of Tübingen & Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
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University of Tübingen
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Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
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University of Tübingen
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University of Tübingen
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Fraunhofer IPA
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University of Tübingen
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Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
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Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm img 1497 1
University of Stuttgart
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Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm photo lensch2 a
University of Tübingen
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University of Tübingen
Thumb ticker sm falk lieder 2018 medium cropped
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm headshot nl
University of Tübingen
Thumb ticker sm thumb ticker md mackejakob012
University of Tübingen
Thumb ticker sm s.maghsudi   600dpi
University of Tübingen
Thumb ticker sm jim mainprice full
University of Stuttgart
Thumb ticker sm georg 2018 crop small
University of Tübingen
Thumb ticker sm portrait
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
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University of Tübingen
Thumb ticker sm junhyung park
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm mijungpark copy
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm csm nicocutnewbackground 70da50bef5
University of Tübingen
Thumb ticker sm d4j7rgbq 400x400
University of Tübingen
Thumb ticker sm 101118 remy 01 quadrat
University of Stuttgart
Thumb ticker sm img 1
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm profilesquare
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm l1170153  0.5 credit
ELLIS Institute Tübingen & Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm katja schwarz
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm gabriele schweikert
University of Tübingen
Thumb ticker sm fabian sinz
University of Göttingen
Thumb ticker sm akademiepreis portrait staab
University of Stuttgart
Thumb ticker sm steinwart 11
University of Stuttgart
Thumb ticker sm 9368 cut
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm bild
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm marc bw
Technical University of Berlin
Thumb ticker sm 2018 ac r7b9314 cut
RWTH Aachen University
Thumb ticker sm benjamin uekermann
University of Stuttgart
Thumb ticker sm isaweb
Saarland University & Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Thumb ticker sm schwerpunk4 luxburg
University of Tübingen
Thumb ticker sm wichmann felix privat
University of Tübingen
Thumb ticker sm 8279 q2  1
University of Stuttgart
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University of Stuttgart
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University of Tübingen