Official Visits

Official Visits is mentioned in 22 news articles

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Foundation stone laid for new Cyber Valley building

Structure to become part of the Innovation Campus in Tübingen
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Cyber Valley welcomes transatlantic delegation

State legislators from the U.S. and Germany visit Tübingen
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Max Planck Institute celebrates double anniversary

Prominent guests look back on 10 and 100 years of scientific excellence at Neues Schloss
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Cyber Valley: “The place to be”

Baden-Württemberg has the most AI and robotics professorships in Germany
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Thumb ticker md collage1

Cyber Valley is poised to expand, grow even stronger, and...

Hector Foundations to fund expansion of Stuttgart/Tübingen AI research center with 100 ...
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A real “gamechanger” for AI in the next decade

Chancellor Merkel gives go-ahead for “AI Breakthrough Hub” – which will be funded by th...
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Representatives of the Swiss border cantons visit Cyber V...

The one-hour event at MPI-IS focused on cross-border cooperation
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Bernhard Schölkopf im #ScienceTalk mit Theresia Bauer

Der Direktor des Max-Planck-Instituts für Intelligente Systeme und Mitbegründer der Cyb...
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Chancellor Angela Merkel and Minister-President Winfried ...

In several virtual tours, they gained insights into the latest research on artificial i...
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Thumb ticker md 20200220 vestager 161

European Commission Vice-President Vestager visits Cyber ...

Scientists from the ecosystem are making a decisive contribution to the future of Europ...
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Fraunhofer Gesellschaft joins Cyber Valley

Cooperation between Germany’s leading research institutions further strengthens Baden-W...
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Cyber Valley präsentiert KI-Spitzenforschung in Berlin

Europas größte Forschungskooperation im Bereich Künstliche Intelligenz ist zu Gast auf ...
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Thumb ticker md thumb ticker xxl ai research t  bingen deep art

Eine Bundes- und eine Landesministerin zu Besuch im Cyber...

Kompetenzzentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz und Maschinelles Lernen stellte Fortschritt...
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Thumb ticker md img 0038

Canada comes to Cyber Valley

Canadian AI experts gain insights into Europe’s biggest research cooperation in the fie...
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Thumb ticker md xxl img 7106

Minister of Economy Hoffmeister-Kraut visits Cyber Valley

Baden-Württembergs Wirtschaftsministerin Hoffmeister-Kraut betont erneut das Engagement...
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Thumb ticker md startschuss header

Go-ahead for Cyber Valley

Science and industry form one of Europe's largest research partnerships in artificial i...
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